Howrrooooo everypuppy!
We had to threaten to leave home and go find some other human that doesn't neglect us so shamefully before we FINALLY got mom to put up a new post for us, but she finally realized she'd made us wait way too long.
First up, it's me, Chili. I'm very proud to announce that the beawooootiful, amazing, gorgeous Dakota said yes! I'm not destined to spend the rest of my life lonely and wooing for a grrrl of my own. Thank you lovely Dakota, you've made me the happiest husky in the world, and I can't wait until we can take those long walks on the beach together.
We've been tagged by 2 of our fureinds to play the memoir game, by both Thor, and the Jack of Hearts (of Cyber-sibes fame). Cracker & I will play for Thor, and the girls for Jack. Here are the rules as quoted by Jack:
Write your own six word memoir.Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.Tag at least five more blogs with links.Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
Since we're so happy just to have mom put up a post for us, we're gonna take it easy on her this time, and let her skip the pics except one to identify who is playing. Since I'm already dictating, I'll go furst.1. Chuffy (chubby & fluffy)
2. Cuddly
3. Debonair
4. Supervisor
5. Groomophobic
6. Oldest
Cracker here, I guess I'll go next:
1. Gentlest
2. Televisionaholic
3. Fastest
4. Pickiest
5. Calmest
6. Flirtiest Mikki here, my turn, my turn:
1. Teflon
2. Eyeliner
3. Daintiest
4. Nibblekisser
5. Digger
6. ProtectorBama here, I guess I'm last, but never least:
1. Shy
2. Vocal
3. Persistant
4. Surfer
5. Singer
6. Kissiest
Wowoooo, that was lots of fun. We're not sure who to tag, cause everypuppy is so much better at blogging these days than we are, I'm pretty sure all our fureinds have already played. But....if you haven't played yet, consider yourself tagged!
We're not even gonna promise to do better about keeping our blog up, 'cause we're subject to the whims of our momster and she's been so busy lately that it's really hard to get her to sign in here. But before we go, we'd like to ask everypuppy to stop by Tasha & Eva's blog and send the grrrrls some love and good wishes. Our dear fureind Tasha has been having some really scary health issues, and lots of medical tests lately, her mom, dad & sister are all very worried about her, so please go visit and show them some love.
For everypuppy else that is going through health issues, just know that we're thinking of each and every one of you, and sending our sibe-vibes flying your way.
Until next time,
Many kisses & Husky hugs,
The River Hill Pack