OK, he's only a temporary member, but this here post is tuh introduce.....Osiris!
Osiris is a victim of divorce. His mama couldn't keep 'im, an his daddy dint want 'im, so a nahce lady named Heather who lives in Illinois is gonna adopt him intuh her pack. It maht take her a little whahl to set up all the details of his transport, an his daddy wanted him gone immediately, so mama volunteered to puppysit til thuh transport details git worked out.
Osiris is 10 months old, an he's never gone tuh thuh vet afore yesterday. Mom picked him up, an took him straight tuh see our doc. He got his shots fur thuh first time ever, an mama says he got rilly lucky cuz he's heartworm negative, even though he ain't never been on any preventatives! He also checked negative for all thuh other nasty worms, but he does have an infecshin in his raht ear, so Dr. Athey gave mama some drops that she has tuh put inta his ear twahce a day. He still had his razor puppy claws, so he got a pedicure, an he has these really funny floppy dew claws on his back feet! Dr. Athey said that they can be removed real easy when he gets fixed (he doesn't look broke tuh us, but we all had tuh be fixed too, an none of us were broke neither).
Daddy was home with us afore mama brung him in, an he took us all out tuh the backyard afore they came in the house. Then they let us in one at a time tuh meet him. Ah was first, an we wagged tails an sniffed each other good, but Ah decided he was ok, considerin he could be competition for mama's affecshuns. Then Bama came in an they hit it off real well, Ah think mebbe he has a crush on our sister. Mama & daddy wasn't real worried bout Mikki or Chili, so they let both of 'em come in an meet him tuhgether. Then we all went out tuh the backyard for a good romp, rassle n sniff. Mama kep' his leash on fur a coupla minutes, but purty soon it was obvious that we all wanted tuh play a good game of tag, so she took it off an let us run an rassle an play. (He's purty fun, but y'all dint hear me say that!)
Soon we was all outta breath an thirsty, so everypuppy ran in the house fur a good long drink, an so we cud show him 'round the den. Everypuppy got along jes fahn, til he got a little too close tuh mah mama, then Ah put him in his place! Ah'm mama's heartdog, an he needs tuh earn the raht tuh get her 'ttenshun!! Mama broke it up raht quick though, an once she gave me lovins an told me Ah'm still her heart-dog, Ah calmed back down an figgered he aint really a threat.
About a half hour later, he foun a bone unner thuh coffee table that mama & daddy dint find when they wuz policing thuh house fur potenshul trouble-causers, an Chili got rilly nasty bout it, now poor Osiris has a booboo on his schnoz, but mama checked 'im an it dint appear tuh be serious. Daddy & she rechecked thuh house raht quick lahk tuh make sure there weren't no more bones or toys tuh cause any problems! We bin in & out several more tahmes, an don't tell anyone, but we've all figgered we kahnda lahke the new kid.
This here's a video of our first play session:
Here's a coupla pics of our first meet & greet play session. Osiris looks a lot lahk Mikki as far as his coat colors, but he's gotta open face insteada her strahkin mask an eyelahner. 

Our next post'll be 'bout the new bag mama got, specially made for her bah the AO4's mama. It shoulda been this post, but we insisted that we wanted to introduce Osiris first.
Slurpy kisses,